Friday, October 5, 2012

Consolidation, an "Evil" Word

Recently, there has been a lot in the press about the Greenwood Lake School District and its decision to send its high school students to Chester or Warwick School Districts, not Tuxedo where Greenwood Lake students have been going for decades.  The focus of the debate was dollars and cents.  Quite simply Tuxedo's tuitition was too expensive when compared with Chester and Warwick. 

While several proposals were presented, one proposal was noticeably absent (or at least not widely reported): Consolidation.  Why do we need 5 school districts in southern Orange County when we can have one or two? 

Warwick has approximately 4,200 students, Chester has 1,100, Greenwood Lake has 550,  Florida has 850 and lastly, Tuxedo has 625.  To educate approximately 7300 students, we have 5 districts, 5 superintendents, 5 administrative offices, 5 bus arrangements....and the list goes on.  Last year, Greenwood Lake levied approximately $28,500 per student.  As someone who went to a high school with 1600 students, I struggle to imagine how a district operates with any efficiency to serve such a small number of students.  How do they remain sustainable?

Please do not misunderstand me, consolidation is not something that one can waive their magic wands and make it happen overnight.  There has to be careful consideration and thoughtful planning by all involved.  I appreciate that in the case of Greenwood Lake there simply was not enough time to consider consolidation.  But why can't we consider it for the future? 

I believe that consolidation is not often present as an option because it appears to me that many throughout New York view "consolidation" as an evil word and do not chose to consider consolidation. Perhaps this because with consolidation comes another C word - change.  Change in how things have been done in the past and probably more importantly a change in power.  Consolidation means that someone has to relinquish control.

It is my belief that this view towards consolidation will start to change and has in fact started to change as muncipalities including school districts struggle to address this economic crises and our ever growing tax burden.  Right now the Town and Village of Chester are considering merging their police departments.  Warwick has done that in the past with success.  New York State has been encouraging consolidation through the use of grants. 

Hopefully, after thoughtful consideration, consolidation will no longer be an evil word. 

This is not intended to be legal advice or establish an attorney client relationship.

Contact the Law Office of Elizabeth K. Cassidy PLLC to discuss your legal needs today.  845-981-7223

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